First Friday Female Founder Feature: Emily Grey


This month’s First Friday Female Founder post features Emily Grey, who expertly pairs her corporate know-how with leading from her heart to focus on continually making a positive impact in this community as well as worldwide. Although I didn’t intend to bring the pure awesomeness of an Enneagram 3 to you in back-to-back months, I am honored to introduce Emily Grey to you this month. With everything that Emily does, whether it’s choosing from whom to obtain the products sold in her boutique, creating a co-working space for world-changing women, coaching female entrepreneurs to greatness or purchasing a condo that will serve her network beyond simply putting a roof over her head, Em focuses on continually improving herself while helping the world. Enjoy this peek inside the mind and heart of another rock star!

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With a past career on Wall Street as a Vice President of Communications and Change Management, Emily Grey brings her ‘win them over’ know-how, delightful enthusiasm and everyday wit to encourage women to use their influence for good. She is a speaker, small business coach and impact entrepreneur with a special focus on helping makers and brand owners land + grow wholesale accounts.

Five years ago, Emily founded her brick + mortar and online boutique, The Flourish Market, building it to a million-dollar business in less than 3 years with zero paid advertising. She is also the Founder of The Locality, a co-working space + incubator program for 60 female entrepreneurs in Downtown Raleigh, NC. Pre COVID, you would find her speaking on national stages for Brendon Burchard, at Alt Summit and leading maker retreats, but she now enjoys speaking and training via Zoom alongside her new pandemic puppy Henry.


First Friday Female Founder Feature: Emily Grey

How would you describe your company and the products / services you offer?

The Flourish Market is a women’s and gifts boutique where every product drives positive change in the world. We are a brick + mortar store based in Downtown Raleigh, and we also sell all of our do-good products on our website at We invite you to use your purchasing power for good!

The Locality is a women’s co-working space and incubator program for 60 female entrepreneurs in Raleigh. I founded The Locality two years ago based on the truth that we all flourish when we have community surrounding us and cheering us on.

Why did you start your company?

I started The Flourish Market because I felt there was such a lack in the market of affordable, on trend and accessible clothing, jewelry and gift items that were ethically made by women overcoming extraordinary circumstances. Over the years, I had done volunteer work behind the scenes to support local leaders all over the world driving sustainable change in their communities through the power of dignified jobs, and I had all of these incredible contacts with artisan groups making wonderful products. I started small. In 2015, my first year in business, The Flourish Market was a fashion truck - a little mini boutique on wheels. That allowed me to test the concept without signing a lease, but, fortunately, women all over Raleigh and the surrounding areas were really excited to buy these fabulous products that supported women doing life changing work in the United States and all over the globe.

What has been the most rewarding part of your journey in founding this company?

The most rewarding part for me has been watching things “click” with our customers when they realize the very real impact they have when they purchase with us. I think it’s easy for us to look around our nation and the world and become overwhelmed with where to even start in driving positive change. I love watching women shop with us, feel the reality of their impact and, then, watch that snowball into other areas of their life as they show up in other ways to create change.

About what are you most proud?

I think my answer to this question would change each day. Right now, what comes to mind is our team of 12 employees at The Flourish Market. I’m so proud of who they are and how they show up in the world. Each of them is so unique and different, and watching how they use their voice and influence in the world puts a big smile on my face.

Are you naturally organized, was it a skill you learned or is it something with which you regularly struggle, and what tips or tools do you use to stay your most organized?

I’m a lists person! And, when my outer space is organized, that helps create inner peace for me. I have found that the best use of my time, however, is on strategic tasks for my business, so I have a Business Manager who is in my inbox and handles all logistics for me. That would be my best tip for those who know they need to work more *on* their businesses than *in* their businesses in order to grow their impact and income. Hire someone who can handle the logistics of your inbox / business even if just for 30 minutes each day. A business coach, like Emily, can help you understand what can go on this person’s task list and how best to efficiently work with them.

Who’s the one person who changed your life and why?

My therapist, Elyse Snipes, from Radical Wellness. I am a big advocate for mental health because I see the positive change that it has helped me create in my own life. Over the last three years, Elyse has been able to hold up a mirror to me and reflect back the courage that’s also been inside me. This has allowed me to step forward, even when scared, and to tell a new story with my life.

What words of wisdom would you have for someone who is overwhelmed with staying organized and / or productive?

I would say “You don’t have to live like this!” Feeling overwhelmed is THE WORST. And, until you break free from the overwhelm, you can’t really see what a negative impact it is having on your life and business. Hire someone to help you get organized and find your flow. Productivity advice is not a one size fits all solution. There’s a reason why things aren’t working for you, and an expert (like Emily!) can help you make a plan that will actually set you on a trajectory of less overwhelm, more impact and more income.

Do you use technology to help stay productive or organized? If so, what’s your favorite program, app or tech tool?

I love Asana! That is the tool that works for my Business Manager and me to effectively and efficiently communicate and track our most important tasks getting done. For The Flourish Market, we plan out our promotions and marketing calendar months in advance, and that goes into a shared Google calendar so we all know what’s going on at all times. In addition to those two tools, one of my favorite “tools” is in-person meetings that have a well outlined agenda of things we need to accomplish. Face time - even if over Zoom - is important for employee moral… and my own moral!

How do you feel about work / life efficiency or integration in your life, including any tips or challenges for managing the personal and professional commitments in your life?

There is so much advice on the internet, in books, from business professionals - you name it - to have hard boundaries between your business and personal life. It took me years to realize that this just does not work for me. My business and personal life are so intertwined, and I love it that way. I love the work I get to do and the people I get to do it alongside, and I also thrive in my personal life. Most times - these two overlap! I make both my business and personal goals by thinking through how I want to steward my time, my money, my influence and my life well.

About what causes are you most passionate?

I’m really passionate about equipping women entrepreneurs to flourish - right here in my own community of Raleigh, in the United States and across the globe. Here’s the thing about women that I’ve seen as I’ve traveled in the developing world and also worked closely with women here at home: we steward our money well. We give generously. We take care of our people. We make smart, long-term decisions. And the world needs more women influencing the economy and as leaders!

What have you found to be the most effective way to relax after a long day or super long week?

I love getting outside and taking my dog Henry on a walk. I leave my phone at home and try to take a different walking route around downtown each time. On more stressful days, I get outside and walk, even if I have only 10 minutes to be in fresh air. It really helps!

What is your favorite author / book?

My hands down favorite book that I recommend that all women read is Untamed by Glennon Doyle. It’s life-changing.

What is your favorite inspirational quote?

Chelsea Jackson is my favorite yoga instructor (you can catch her on the Peloton app), and, during every class, she speaks truth in love and has a powerful way of calling us forward to live a life of connectedness.

What is your go-to accessory?

My champagne Zia Earrings have been my daily earrings for the last 5+ years, and they have become part of my personal brand. We’ve sold almost 2,000 pairs during that time because they are so lightweight for a statement earring and match every outfit.

What are the fundamentals of your beauty routine?

For the last 7 years, I’ve used only natural products from Primally Pure and Beauty Counter. One thing I’ll mention that has been the biggest game changer for me is only using face oil (from Primally Pure) to wash my face. As someone who struggled with dry skin and acne, this cured everything for me!

What is your favorite food?

Give me a steak cooked medium rare - that is the way to my heart!

Of the locally-owned and -operated establishments in the place you currently live, which are your top 3 favorites and why?

Top 3 because I love how the women founders lead and give back in our community:

The Zen Succulent - the best place for plants and plant accessories in Raleigh and Durham!

A Place at the Table - Raleigh’s “pay what you can” nonprofit cafe. Make sure to grab the iced seasonal latte and cinnamon bun for the best breakfast ever.

Wye Hill - the best place to watch the sunset in Downtown Raleigh. You’re going to want to order their clams.

These businesses are our neighbors within walking distance of The Flourish Market so you can truly make a fun day of visiting Downtown Raleigh!

What is your favorite place that you have visited?

Rwanda. Their history of coming together as a nation post genocide gives me hope for unity in our own nation.

What movie could you watch on endless loop?

I recently watched “You’ve Got Mail” for the first time (I know - how did it take me this long?!?), and I’m pretty sure I could watch that on repeat for weeks at a time.

If you could have one super power, what would it be?

I would love to be able to use a wand to help people switch into other peoples’ bodies to understand the other persons’ lived experiences in life for a few weeks. We need more empathy and understanding.

What advice would you give your 21-year-old self?

Have more fun! Take more trips! Let loose a little more!

If you could have lunch with anyone (living or deceased), who would it be and why?

Pretty much any of my friends. I’m about to hit the mark post vaccine when I can do that! These past 14 months have been difficult not being able to connect with my people in person. I’m so grateful for technology, but I can’t wait for belly laughs shared in person over a meal!

Isn’t Emily Grey simply amazing?!? I would love to hear who you would like to see featured in the future so please let me know if you think of anyone I should interview. I look forward to sharing more superstars with you.

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