Spring Cleaning Applies Everywhere


When you hear the words “spring cleaning”, do you automatically think about removing dust bunnies and mopping floors? Instead, consider how you can put spring cleaning to work in boosting productivity.


Spring cleaning applies wherever you need it, like emails, texts, podcasts, documents, subscriptions, apps, contacts, appointments, downloaded movies and music or anything detracting you from achieving your big, hairy, audacious goals.

Maybe you prefer Marie Kondo’s approach. Maybe you prefer Swedish death cleaning. Maybe your need is more about creating systems for handling new things that will come your way.


Consider how you can remove what is…

❎ no longer accurate

❎ no longer applicable

❎ no longer useful

❎ not legally required

❎ not hard to find online

❎ not bringing you joy

No matter your approach, keeping less will definitely boost your productivity and make it easier to accomplish all that matters most, supporting what you want most.


Take some time today to reflect upon your priorities and schedule time on your calendar for spring cleaning the clutter so you can increase productivity. Those appointments with yourself will really help.

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