First Friday Female Founder Feature: Berrion Berry


This month’s First Friday Female Founder post features Berrion Berry, who is truly changing lives with her efforts to educate menstruators on how to take charge of their fertility as they “harness the power of their periods”. I’ve connected with Berri over our shared passion for alignment between our priorities and how we invest our limited resource of time, but I’ve had my mind blown by all that Berri shares online, in her courses, through interviews, via her podcast and on her YouTube channel about the importance of cycle syncing for growing my business. Plus, if you take away nothing else, consider the Daily Flo Menstrual Support Tea that Berri created in partnership with Ova Moon; it’s been amazing for reducing stress, relieving cramps and limiting PMS. Enjoy this peek inside the mind and heart of this absolute rock star!

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Berrion Berry is a Menstrual Health Educator, Practitioner & Founder of Optimize Your Flo. She teaches modern women to fix their problematic periods naturally. Focused on fusing biology with practicality Berri helps people with periods create a new menstrual reality. 

Her work has been featured on top podcasts like the Balanced Black Girl with Lestraundra Alfred, the Goal Digger Podcast with Jenna Kutcher, SHE by Jordan Lee Dooley, as well as, in leading publications like Shape Magazine, Thrive Global, & The Every Girl. From hormone balancing to cycle syncing, to mood enhancing and self healing, Berri covers it all and is excited to help you have your best period yet. 


First Friday Female Founder Feature:

Berrion Berry

How would you describe your company and the products / services you offer?

Optimize Your Flo is a leading menstrual education company designed to teach people about their periods and menstrual cycle. From self-paced courses to group coaching and 1-on-1 support we strive to teach modern women how to heal and help themselves through cycle awareness. To learn more about all our offerings, please visit

Why did you start your company?

I started my company for several reasons. One of which was my own personal health struggles, but I also noticed three larger issues in society that I wanted to work on changing:

  • First of which is unhealed generational and / or ancestral trauma that is transferred through epigenetic and, often times, physically manifests itself in the form of anxiety, depression, limiting beliefs or physical pain.

  • The second of which is a lack of education and empowerment to the modern menstruator about their body and what is or isn’t normal.

  • Lastly, a miscommunication in what constitutes as healing and how to truly heal and help oneself.

What has been the most rewarding part of your journey in founding this company?

I think the most rewarding thing is seeing how much this work truly transforms people’s lives on a regular basis. Every day, I wake up to a message about how much the education and empowerment provided by this company has changed someone’s life.

About what are you most proud?

Hmmmm, can I say everything? Never in a million years did I expect to be doing the work I’m doing and having the impact I have, and, yet, here I am helping modern women heal and help themselves through cycle awareness. I’m truly honored!

Are you naturally organized, was it a skill you learned or is it something with which you regularly struggle, and what tips or tools do you use to stay your most organized?

When I have a clear vision or goal in mind, I’m naturally organized. In regards to tips, one of the main things I do to stay organized is practice the Hustle Sanely 5. My friend Jessica created it, and it’s all about helping you maintain a peacefully productive lifestyle.

  • Complete your focus three (top 3 priorities)

  • Move for 30 minutes

  • Tidy for 15 minutes

  • Do one kind thing for yourself

  • Do one kind thing for someone else

  • I also really like to color code any and every thing if possible.

Who’s the one person who changed your life, and why?

The one person who changed my life? Not to seem arrogant but me. I made a decision to change a lot, not only for myself but for my current family and for my future family. There were a lot of obstacles and challenges that the women in my family had to overcome, and, today, I’m proud to say that the generational trauma stops with me because it’s healed by and through me.

What words of wisdom would you have for someone who is overwhelmed with staying organized and / or productive?

Words of wisdom: one thing at a time. Be mindful in what you do, concentrate on the task in front of you, show compassion to others you serve or that are impacted by you, and display / execute with excellence based off your own standards.

Do you use technology to help stay productive or organized? If so, what’s your favorite program, app or tech tool?

I love using my google calendar to stay organized and, of course, a cycle tracking app called Femometer to help me optimize my flo.

How do you feel about work/life efficiency or integration in your life, including any tips or challenges for managing the personal and professional commitments in your life?

I think a lot of people focus on efficiency when they need to focus on alignment. If you’re doing what’s in alignment with you, your values and your beliefs, you’ll be able to do more while feeling as if you’re doing less.

About what causes are you most passionate?

One cause I’m passionate about is ending period poverty. A study in 2014 by the Shriver Report shared that there are at least 42 million impoverished women living in the U.S. and most of them are unable to get the proper period care. Once a month every month, I donate 10% of Optimize Your Flo’s income to a different organization that helps to end period poverty.

What have you found to be the most effective way to relax after a long day or super long week?

My favorite way to relax after a super long day or even week is a nice bath. I love bubble baths so much.

What is your favorite author/book?   

Hmmmm… This is a hard question because I love to read. But I’d have to say Dr. Denis Waitley’s The Psychology of Winning is my favorite book.

What is your favorite inspirational quote?

When thinking about life, remember this: no amount of guilt can change the past and no amount of anxiety can change the future -unknown

What is your go-to accessory? 

Go to accessory, all of them!! But, honestly, one that’s tangible is a good pair of earrings or a ring, and one that’s intangible is good energy or, and a bonus, a gorgeous smile.

What are the fundamentals of your beauty routine? 

Fundamentals of my beauty routine are very simple:

  1. Good food

  2. Great hydration

  3. Minimal products (I have a 3 step skin care routine. AM: rose water, serum, moisturizer. PM: cleanser, rose water, moisturizer)

What is your favorite food?

My favorite food is NACHOOOS I could eat them every day. 

Of the locally-owned and -operated establishments in the place you currently live, which are your top 3 favorites and why?

Living in Michigan, I love Chadd’s Bistro, a great place for sandwiches and they have the best salads. I also love knowing that the food is prepped by people who care about the sourcing of ingredients. Additionally, I love Dessert Oasis Coffee Roasters because who doesn’t love a good coffee, right? But I also love that the environment of the place as it gives off more artisan vibes. Plus, there’s Knapps Donuts. I’ve gone to this place since I was a child and so it’s always a nice piece of home. 

What is your favorite place that you have visited? 

My favorite place I’ve visited so far has been Sedona, Arizona. It’s beautiful.

What movie could you watch on an endless loop?  

I could watch James Cameron’s Avatar all day every day. 

If you could have one superpower, what would it be?  

Is super healing an option? There’s so much pain in this world, and I wish I could heal it. 

What advice would you give your 21-year-old self?

Advice to 21-year-old me, in the words of Billy Joel: 

Slow down you crazy child

You're so ambitious for a juvenile

But then if you're so smart tell me,

Why are you still so afraid?

If you could have lunch with anyone (living or deceased), who would it be and why?   

If I could have lunch with anyone, hmmmm… It’d be Jesus, honestly. I’d love to pick his brain and ask him what it was like speaking truth and being considered a rebel for it, too. I’d also love to ask him about his opinion on what he sees happening in society today. 

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