First Friday Female Founder Feature: Olalah Njenga


I am so excited for the very first of my First Friday Female Founder features to be Olalah Njenga. This phenomenal woman has been a dear friend of mine for over a decade and attacks everything with the pure awesomeness of an Enneagram 3. I am honored to introduce her to you this month! Olalah has accomplished so much throughout her life, and, although she does excel as a small business owner, she is more importantly one of the most genuine and inspiring people I have ever met.


Olalah Njenga is an award-winning entrepreneur, an accomplished business strategist and an advocate for the small business economy. Olalah’s public sector roles include the Leadership Council for the National Small Business Association and the Leadership Council for the National Federation of Independent Business of North Carolina. She holds a governor-appointed seat as the Commissioner of Small Business on the NCWorks Commission representing the commerce and workforce interests of 900,000 North Carolina business owners. Olalah is a trusted small business source for the media including BBC, NPR, New York Times, Marketplace, Fox as well as local ABC, NBC and CBS affiliates.


First Friday Female Founder Feature: Olalah Njenga

How would you describe your company and the products / services you offer?

YellowWood is a strategy consulting firm that helps business owners and leaders transform ideas into objectives and objectives into outcomes.

Why did you start your company? 

I got laid off and the outplacement counselors told me based on my assessment results, there was no job for me and that I should consider being an entrepreneur. I remember thinking, “a what?”, because I had no idea what that meant considering I had mostly worked for large, international companies prior to being laid off. After looking for a job and doing freelance work for more than a year, I used the money from the separation package I received and started a company with the help of the Small Business Center at Wake Technical Community College in Raleigh, NC.

What has been the most rewarding part of your journey in founding this company?

Helping leaders win. Sometimes it’s helping them reach a revenue milestone, or helping them become a single source provider for a major company; other times, it’s helping them design their own exit strategy or helping them develop a 7-figure strategic plan. I never really understood the impact of my work until a client told me, “Olalah, you hold the space for the future success of my company until I see it for myself.” 

About what are you most proud?

Living my life in such a way that its value and worth are not defined by other people.

Are you naturally organized, was it a skill you learned or is it something with which you regularly struggle, and what tips or tools do you use to stay your most organized?

Most people assume I am naturally organized, but that’s not the case. I was a messy teenager and the piles of clean, unfolded laundry in my room were a constant argument with my mother. Fast forward to my twenties, as a divorced parent of two, I had to learn how to create organized chaos. Thank goodness many of those habits have stood the test of time. Today, I am a bit of a neat-nick and I absolutely hate clutter.

Who’s the one person who changed your life and why?

John Scarpa, a vice president in a company where I worked many years ago. One day, he told me I was doing an exceptional job, but everyone in the division hated me. He mentored me and as a result of that painful, yet powerful wake-up call, I learned how to master the delicate art of stakeholder engagement.

What words of wisdom would you have for someone who is overwhelmed with staying organized and / or productive?

You can only land one plane at a time, so some planes will just have to circle in the air until you can safely land them.

Do you use technology to help stay productive or organized? If so, what’s your favorite program, app or tech tool?

I use a hybrid. I use Outlook to help me manage my commitments and a planner to help me manage my priorities. 

How do you feel about work / life efficiency or integration in your life, including any tips or challenges for managing the personal and professional commitments in your life?

Depending on the type of work a person does, work/life integration might create all kinds of challenges if not managed in a way that respects the highs and lows of a person’s natural daily rhythm. My work and life are, in many ways, an extension of each other – but that’s my choice. It doesn’t work for everyone. For me, I have a non-negotiable life hack that has served me for decades, “never use high-value energy to do low-value work.”

About what causes are you most passionate?

I am on a mission to make it easier for more small business owners to become small business employers. I am also deeply passionate about education and literacy because I believe that a high-quality education is the only true economic equalizer.

What have you found to be the most effective way to relax after a long day or super long week?

I created “self-care sofa time” to help me decompress and it is awesome. I turn the air conditioning to make the house really cold, I wrap myself up in a super soft cable knit cotton blanket I got from Pottery Barn years ago – it is showing signs of wear and I don’t care; then I curl up into a ball and channel surf until I find something that catches my attention for a few hours.

What is your favorite author / book?

Notes from a Friend: A Quick and Simple Guide to Taking Charge of Your Life by Anthony Robbins. This book changed by whole life. I believe it is the first book he ever wrote.

What is your favorite inspirational quote?

“Exercise integrity in the moment of choice” by Stephen Covey

What is your go-to accessory?

A diamond tennis bracelet my husband gave me for our 15th anniversary. It dresses up any outfit, even chinos and a casual top.

What are the fundamentals of your beauty routine?

Mascara is a must; never leave home without it. With mascara on, I am invincible. 😊

What is your favorite food?

My taste has changed so much over the past few years. Right now, I’m obsessed with Stouffer’s Lasagna.

Of the locally-owned and -operated establishments in the place you currently live, which are your top 3 favorites and why?

1: Jubala Coffee because their waffles (my favorite is cinnamon apple) are my guilty pleasure

2: Uncorked because their international wine selections introduce me to flavors that I never knew existed

3: 42nd Hair Trends because my stylist, Jordan, makes sure that my hair never shows my age 😊

What is your favorite place that you have visited?

I’ve relocated a couple of times and have seen a lot of places due to my career; for right now, no favorite comes to mind.

What movie could you watch on endless loop?

Oh that’s easy, Air Force One. I am an action thriller junkie and a sucker for a heroic ending.

If you could have one super power, what would it be?

Hands down it would be Invisibility; for reasons I care not to share. 😊

What advice would you give your 21-year-old self?

Finishing college now will be a hell of a lot less inconvenient than it will be twenty years from now.

If you could have lunch with anyone (living or deceased), who would it be and why?

The original maverick, the late Senator John McCain. John exemplified the meaning of people over party and was equal parts kindness and kick-ass. I just adored him, and I still mourn his passing.

Isn’t Olalah amazing?!? I would love to hear who you would like to see featured in the future so please let me know if you think of anyone I should interview. I look forward to sharing more superstars with you.

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