Mid-Year Check-Up for Your Productivity


Y’all, can you believe that 2021 is halfway over?!? Amidst all the stresses being faced, we’ve been flexing our flexibility muscles, pivoting toward what works better for us in this current season and, hopefully, showing both ourselves and others a greater amount of grace. We all have room for growth, and now is the time to dig deep inside, determining what might be our unique needs and how to ask for what we need.

First, reflect upon the vision you set at the beginning of this year. What did you want to accomplish this calendar year? Did you have a word of the year or set resolutions? Do you still have that same vision? Make sure you consider what matters to you for home, work, community and self-care. You are one human-being with many different layers and facets to your life; your vision should incorporate all those layers of life.

Next, take an audit of where you are right now. What are your core values? Are you successfully reflecting those values throughout your days, weeks and months? Is your business supporting the lifestyle you want to be living? Are you investing your time in ways aligned with your priorities? Have you surrounded yourself with a squad who deeply loves you as you are, pushes you to level up when needed, provides a supportive sounding board and helps you laugh until you cry? Are you attracting clients and team members who enable fulfilling your business’ mission and with whom you genuinely enjoy working?

Consider where to shake things up. If the vision you set for 2021 is no longer serving your needs, it’s time to change course. If a routine, habit or ritual is no longer serving you, what could you do differently to better meet your needs or more efficiently and effectively move you toward achieving your goals? If your current productivity toolbox doesn’t include what you need, who can you ask for help and from where can you get what you need? Is there a process you want to adopt or an app you’d like to try? Most importantly, if the time commitments on your calendar no longer reflect what matters most to you, it’s time to make some changes so you are investing the most limited resource of time in what truly earns your energy and focus.

Finally, consider how work-life integration is serving you. As a busy, multi-passionate business owner or executive, you are wearing a ton of different hats. More often than not, those hats complement one another rather than compete with one another, and it’s vital to consider how you’re investing each day’s 1,440 minutes with fluidity and flexibility so you address what matters most in this season for home, work, community as well as self-care. How are you enforcing boundaries that meet your needs rather than “shoulding” all over yourself by following the constraints that society says you should be doing? Are you clear on what matters most to you for each of your hats, scheduling time on your calendar to engage in that which moves you forward toward your loftiest of big, hairy, audacious goals? Now’s the time to get on track, whether that’s to correct where you’ve gotten off a bit or to change your course completely.

Whether getting back on track or changing course, how will you experiment with new tools for your success, incorporate more fun in the everyday and make time for what matters most to you?

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