What is Emily's Word of the Year for 2024?
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For the past 6 years, I've been utilizing the Layered Living Planner from HerSpace Co., which helps me enthusiastically pursue passions for the many layers of work-life integration.
As the creators explain, it's a tool to "prioritize your truest, wildest and deepest desires" for the year ahead, lifting me to the crucial audacity needed to be my bravest and boldest self.
I'm one person, but I'm a multi-passionate leader who thrives in the synergy and harmony amongst all elements of life: work, home, community and self-care.
In leaning into my many layers, I find a word of the year helps boost productivity and bring the year into focus. For 2024, I feel called toward JOY for two very important reasons: First, whether it’s caring for a parent with dementia, leading my business, supporting my clients or fulfilling my commitment to society as an engaged citizen, life can be challenging; it’s imperative to balance the challenges with lots of joys. Second, for optimum health and well-being, I need to focus on injecting more joy into my daily life.
For today's Get Organized 2024 Challenge task, clarify a word or phrase to guide your new year. What overarching theme will support your goals and vision? What will keep you on the desired path?
Emily Parks’ word of the year for 2024 is JOY
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