First Friday Female Founder Feature: Courtney Frye


This month’s First Friday Female Founder post features Courtney Frye, the owner and creator behind the cultivated collections of earrings, necklaces, home goods and artwork from The Painted Pearl... If you’ve seen me in-person or across a computer screen, you’ve likely seen me wearing a pair of The Painted Pearl’s earring curations, but my connection to Courtney doesn’t end there. Over 6 years ago, we were introduced by Courtney’s husband and quickly realized that great minds think alike, whether it’s our reflections on individuals, love of music, similar tastes or positive energy. I am confident you’ll be as impressed with Courtney as I am. Enjoy this peek inside the mind and heart of this absolute rock star!


About Courtney

Courtney Frye, owner and creator behind The Painted Pearl, is a self-made jewelry maker/designer, making her very first necklace and earring set back in 2005 from her senior year college dorm room at Peace College. Fast forward to the fall of 2012 when her oldest son was not yet a year old, she explored jewelry making again, and The Painted Pearl was born out of a need to boost her self-confidence with affordable accessories when her postpartum body couldn't. As a jewelry designer for today's modern woman, she creates beautiful statement necklaces and earrings for everyday wear. Her collections are available to purchase from The Painted Pearl’s website as well as retail locations across the southeastern region of the United States. As a wife, mother of two and small business owner, Courtney shares her life, handling of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and business growth via her blog, Facebook and Instagram.

Painted Pearl Offerings

Courtney created The Earring Envelope as a subscription of statement earrings delivered right to your door back in the Fall of 2019. Once a quarter, enrollment opens for new re-occurring subscriptions and gift subscriptions, making it the perfect gift for a friend or a monthly treat for yourself! Enrollment opened yesterday for a brief window to take care of all your holiday shopping needs! 


She’s also proud to highlight her annual watercolor calendar for the eighth year in a row! What makes these calendars unique is each month features two watercolor paintings so you get to decide which side to display. They come in a standard 5x7 size or a mini business card size with an easel included for the smaller size, and they make the perfect holiday gift or stocking stuffer. 


First Friday Female Founder Feature:

Courtney Frye

How would you describe your company and the products / services you offer?

The Painted Pearl provides handmade and carefully curated statement jewelry for today’s modern woman!

Why did you start your company?

I’ve always been a creative spirit, and, in 2012, after the birth of my oldest son, I was looking for a way to boost my self-confidence when my postpartum body couldn’t. Having taught myself to make jewelry from my college dorm room senior year (circa 2005), I got back into jewelry making, and the rest is history!

What has been the most rewarding part of your journey in founding this company?

I’d have to say when I left my part-time job outside of the home and took The Painted Pearl full time! Granted, it was amidst the throws of Covid when I needed to be home with my children. I decided to throw myself into The Painted Pearl full time, and it not only survived the trying times but thrived.

About what are you most proud?

I think it’s that I finally feel like I’ve stepped into the shoes I was always meant to wear! You know, sometimes, we feel like we’re still figuring out who we want to be when we grow up, and, as a business owner and a creative, I pinch myself daily that I get to wake up each day and do what I love!

Are you naturally organized, was it a skill you learned or is it something with which you regularly struggle, and what tips or tools do you use to stay your most organized?

Ha! No! I wish organization came naturally to me! Honestly, it was working with you that helped me better understand my habits and how I tick as a creative! I know you’ll cringe at me plugging Organize For Success, but it’s true! Methods I’ve learned, like The Pomodoro Technique, have truly helped me stick to tasks.

Who’s the one person who changed your life, and why?

I can’t choose just one!! I’d have to say my paternal grandparents for instilling in me the love of travel at a young age and my maternal grandmother for fostering my imagination when I was young and teaching me to appreciate and find beauty in the small things, regardless of value.

What words of wisdom would you have for someone who is overwhelmed with staying organized and / or productive?

BOOK A SESSION WITH EMILY! I’m being serious! What I once thought of as personal flaws I’ve since learned are not all that uncommon for a creative! Taking and then understanding the assessments Emily had me do helped me better understand things about myself and the way I work so that, now, I don’t beat myself up over working right up to a deadline. I know now that’s just how I operate and always will! Understanding how you work is crucial for maximizing your windows of opportunity!


Courtney Frye wearing her Barlow Hoops along with Emily Parks wearing her favorite pair of Painted Pearl beauties, the Pandora Earrings

Do you use technology to help stay productive or organized? If so, what’s your favorite program, app or tech tool?

Sadly, no! I’m a paper girl all the way! Paper planner, list pads, etc. Emily did introduce me to the cool Rocket Book which satisfies my need to write things down yet capture them in the cloud! But I’ll forever be a lover of paper and post-its!

How do you feel about work/life efficiency or integration in your life, including any tips or challenges for managing the personal and professional commitments in your life?

Ugh, that can be hard to answer! Some days, I don’t feel like I have a handle on it. Other days I do! Honestly, if it’s not written down in my Passion Planner, then it doesn’t happen! Something about the act of writing it in for a specific time slot helps me remember to get it done.

About what causes are you most passionate?

Supporting women-owned small businesses. Community over competition all day, every day.

What have you found to be the most effective way to relax after a long day or super long week?

A good nap! I probably take more naps than I should, but it’s how I decompress and relieve stress.

What is your favorite author/book?   

I love a good, predictable Nicholas Sparks book, but, since joining a book club, I’ve been introduced to many new (to me) authors that I really like!

I’m not a suspenseful genre type, but I can really get into Lucy Foley books like The Guest List or The Hunting Party!

What is your favorite inspirational quote?

No grit, no pearl!

What is your go-to accessory? 

My prescription sunglasses! And, yes, I wear my sunglasses at night if I leave my regular glasses at home!

What are the fundamentals of your beauty routine? 

I’m a huge BeautyCounter fan! Not a rep, but just really dig the clean beauty products! And, since quarantine, I’ve gotten really comfortable showing up not wearing make-up! It’s freeing!

What is your favorite food?

Green olives and white rice, but not together!

Of the locally-owned and -operated establishments in the place you currently live, which are your top 3 favorites and why?

•   The Flourish Market

•   Zest Cafe & Home Art and

•   Sassool!


I love shopping and supporting the boutiques who support the makers, such as The Flourish Market and Zest. When I’m looking for quick, healthy, gluten free, good food, Sassool is my number one spot to stop.

What is your favorite place that you have visited? 

Hands down South Africa on safari! Would go again in a skinny minute!

What movie could you watch on an endless loop?  

Pretty Woman or Sweet Home Alabama

If you could have one superpower, what would it be?  

To be like “I Dream of Jeannie” and be able to nod my head and blink my eyes and have a clean house and/or dinner made!

What advice would you give your 21-year-old self?

To not waste time comparing myself to others. They may look like they have it all together, but you only see their highlight reels.

If you could have lunch with anyone (living or deceased), who would it be and why?   

Reese Witherspoon! She’s southern and sassy, and I feel like we’d be instant friends.

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