First Friday Female Founder Feature: Amy Paulson
As a big fan of The Flourish Market, I was asked by Jessi Scott and Emily Grey to be a model for their August 2021 photoshoot. I’d heard Em talk about this new photographer with whom The Flourish Market was working to get each month’s images of new products being modeled, but, y’all, I had no idea what an incredible experience I was in for with Amy Paulson. She puts anyone and everyone at ease when she’s behind the camera, she is absolutely skilled at getting the best shots, and you are hard pressed to find anyone who is more caring, supportive and generous with other human beings. When The Flourish Market subsequently did a fundraising promotion for Help One Now that allowed you to get a brand shoot with Amy Paulson for donating at a specific level, I was beyond excited, and, of course, she did not disappoint. Every interaction with Amy is a blessing. Enjoy this peek inside the mind and heart of this absolute rock star!
About Amy Paulson
Amy Paulson is a story-teller. She’s been in love with people’s stories her entire life, and designing a photography experience around that love has been one of her greatest joys. In every wedding or photography session, she gathers with each client in a manner which enables you to be SEEN as the wonderful gift that you are. Through joy-filled prompts and time-stopping invitations, you have the chance to be your beautiful self. Since she believes that, when we are truly free to be ourselves, we are all exquisitely beautiful. Her favorite part? That’s how she can tell anyone the story behind every last image. Amy is in the business of making MEMORIES. In Amy’s words, “I’m not here to simply take a picture; I’m here to capture who you really are.” And Amy works magic every time!
Amy is a shenanigan maker, Jesus follower, story teller, hilarious moment enthusiast, mother to three fabulous children and a genuinely wonderful person. Her generous spirit fills every photo subject with love and appreciation, making you feel at ease so your best self is conveyed in photos.
Offering family, individual, bridal and commercial photography, Amy has all her details online at, and you can follow her updates via Facebook and Instagram, although you’ll want to subscribe to her email list for all the best stuff.
First Friday Female Founder Feature:
Amy Paulson
How would you describe your company and the products / services you offer?
When you think of a photographer - it’s easy to simply envision a person who takes pictures.
That’s a small portion of what I do.
My number one job is to create an environment and experience where the real person can show up and be SEEN as the absolute delight and joy they truly are.
This looks a number of different ways. For families, it’s about transforming a family photo session into a memory-making, life-giving experience. Instead of asking a family to “pose” a certain way, I’ve designed games to help them look their best while getting them back to the magic of who they truly are. From “red light, green light” to the “sneak up” game, we create those stunning family portraits in a way that gives joy and LIFE so they get memories they’ll treasure for a lifetime.
For couples, it’s a session I’ve spent 10+ years crafting that’s designed to help you SEE one another again. It’s filled with games and prompts that connect each person with the magic of the person they fell in love with and all the memories they’ve held together.
For business owners, it’s helping them get incredibly clear on their mission and coming up with ways for us to capture that story so that they have a gallery full of images that will help their clients feel the essence of what they do from the moment they come across their website and/or social media.
And, for women, it’s transforming a session into stories and embodied practices so that I can capture HER. You see, most of us don’t fake smile well. When we’re told to smile and someone holds up a camera, the real us often hides. So, my work is to use story and prompts to help draw out the REAL her. And then to hand her the mirror so she can finally see what we’ve all seen from the beginning. I get to hand her back her beauty. * Because it’s finally a picture of the real HER.
Why did you start your company?
First, I fell in love with people and their stories. Then, I fell in love with photography. But I knew there had to be more than just taking pictures. There could be a way to deepen relationships. A way to capture the exuberance and uninhibited joy of a three-year-old without making them cry in the process. A way to give parents the chance to speak life over their kids. A way to help couples reconnect. A way to help business owners connect immediately with their customers. A way to help draw out a woman and help her see that the reason she thought she wasn’t “photogenic” was only because she’d never had a photographer help her be HERSELF. And so I gave my everything to finding out just how to do those things.
What has been the most rewarding part of your journey in founding this company?
Fostering deep connection for my clients.
It’s in every time a woman can finally SEE her beauty because I captured the real her.
It’s in the joy of watching teenagers BEAM as Dad shares his favorite things about them.
It’s getting that email with a business owner who finds social media to be EASY because we created a gallery of images designed to make sharing their story like pressing an easy button.
About what are you most proud?
The kids who now run up to me because they are SO EXCITED for pictures and have ideas for new games.
The women who write me exquisite emails because they’ve finally gotten a glimpse of the beauty we’ve always seen.
The business owners who now have images tailor made to make their lives easier and can’t believe it was so easy.
The couples who rediscover their love and have pictures on their walls to remind them of the words and moments they exchanged.
Are you naturally organized, was it a skill you learned or is it something with which you regularly struggle, and what tips or tools do you use to stay your most organized?
I love to help others organize and STRUGGLE desperately with it for MYSELF.
Balancing motherhood, ADD and owning a business feels like a marathon complete with obstacles at every moment.
Systems often save my life.
For me, I have a detailed and organized folder system for client images.
I also use the timer method to keep me going during fall family photo season so that I can deliver those images quickly.
And, on the months that I’ve absolutely killed it, I developed an entire month meal plan because nothing seems harder at the end of a long day than figuring out what to feed myself and other hangry humans.
Who’s the one person who changed your life and why?
It’s impossible to pick one. I am the culmination of so many life-giving friends and teachers.
Their love, example and friendship has changed my life.
I can center on one group of those life-changers though: my kids.
I didn’t actually plan on being a mom. It looked exhausting. And I was pretty sure I wouldn’t be great at it.
Life held three surprises. And the best ones I could have imagined.
They invited me to become ME. They taught me how to play. They expanded my heart and strength and hilarity.
And… every family photo session prompt is brought to you by them because these humans couldn’t take a normal photo on command to save their lives.
What words of wisdom would you have for someone who is overwhelmed with staying organized and / or productive?
There are experts out there. There are other business owners in your field that also have systems. Get to know them and ask all the questions. Watch their videos and read their articles.
And, then, find one thing you can implement right this minute. Don’t just consume the ideas - make yourself TRY one.
If it doesn’t work for you? Let it go.
Then, repeat the process until you find the things that DO work for you
PS: You must know that I’m already saving for a session with Emily. When we prepared for her branding session, I was BLOWN AWAY by her approach and the ways she draws out who the person is and creates systems that work for them. So - I’d suggest starting with Emily…
Do you use technology to help stay productive or organized? If so, what’s your favorite program, app or tech tool?
I am mostly boring and low tech, but here are a couple things I do use that are mostly basic:
1. Google calendar - and I’m incredibly intentional about setting reminders because something has to ground this ADD person
2. The timer on my phone - whenever there’s a project I don’t want to finish or I’m just having trouble making progress on things - I live by the 7-minute timer. It also works for packing up your entire house and moving across the country (though I’m done with that.)
How do you feel about work / life efficiency or integration in your life, including any tips or challenges for managing the personal and professional commitments in your life?
The past year was a mess. Though I found moments where things hummed, life threw a lot of curveballs that left me reeling.
But here are some things that kept me going:
- Immediately facing things that take less than 5 minutes to complete.
- Thinking about what future me needs. And doing it. (Crockpot meals often feel like the ultimate gift to evening me)
- Turn on the music. It’s amazing how music can shift a mood and lift a room. Whenever I need to face a task I’ve been dreading - I pump up the music.
- Start with 5 minutes. A dear friend told me her secret to packing when I was deep in preparation for a move across the country. She told me about the five minute rule. Set a timer for five minutes and JUST SHOW UP. (In that case…to pack). When the timer dings - if you feel like continuing - KEEP GOING. If you don’t - honor that and give yourself a five minute break instead.
- And, finally, get clear on what actually helps you. It turns out that a walk outside or laying in the sun for a bit can help me. Scrolling on the internet? Not so much. Tea? HELPFUL. Getting stuck in my head about all of the things that need to be done and avoiding the work? It doesn’t actually help. But writing it out so I can see it does.
About what causes are you most passionate?
People. Which looks a lot of different ways at a lot of different times.
What have you found to be the most effective way to relax after a long day or super long week?
Yin yoga and restorative yoga have seen me through so much.
Walks without my phone also help.
And laughter with my favorite people and a good meal are always life-giving.
What is your favorite author / book?
It feels impossible to pick just one so here are a couple I read this past year that were wonderful: Shonda Rimes “The Year of Yes” and Beth Moore’s “All My Knotted Up Life”
What is your go-to accessory?
My journal. Once upon a time, it only held my thoughts and prayers.
But, one day, I allowed it to house everything. Grocery lists. Ridiculous things my kids said. Short recaps of the day. Dreams. Thoughts for my business. Big and small prayers. Confessions. And having that space helps free my mind and heart.
What are the fundamentals of your beauty routine?
Dear friends, I am basic beyond belief. I wash my face. My biggest commitment though is to SkinBae, and I think it’s phenomenal.
What is your favorite food?
My favorite food would be having a variety of foods!
Of the locally-owned and -operated establishments in the place you currently live, which are your top 3 favorites and why?
I will forever love The Flourish Market and the entire team there. Gorgeous clothes, stylists who help you figure out what to wear and your purchase makes a difference in the world? I LOVE IT.
I also love A Place at the Table, and I’m here to tell you their Iced Coffee is some of the best in the Triangle.
The soul-filled work of Jenna Little Wellness has been a deep part of my healing journey. From Yoga to Healing to other experiences she has led, I’m forever grateful for my work with her.
What is your favorite place that you have visited?
Truthfully - I absolutely LOVE travel. I love seeing new places and exploring. I love the people, the food and the new. So I love all the places I’ve visited. I would say that my favorite trip from this past year was taking my boys to Philadelphia and exploring there. But give me the airfare to go abroad, and I’m sure that would get added to the list as well.
What movie could you watch on endless loop?
I can assure you that what sets me apart is that I absolutely couldn’t watch a movie on endless loop. I need a year or two in between viewings, if not ten.
If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
And that I could teleport people with me.
I would have just teleported to Paris in the time it took to write this sentence.
What advice would you give your 21-year-old self?
Oh, sweet love, life is about to go in a million ways that you didn’t plan. And it’s going to be beautiful but hard.
Care so well for yourself. Feed yourself well. Move and cherish that body. Pursue wellness. And dream. Name the scary things and take deep breaths always. You are a gem.
If you could have lunch with anyone (living or deceased), who would it be and why?
The truth is simply this: I’d sit and debate for YEARS about which person to choose. But gut reaction in this moment? The Obamas.
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